Personal: Season’s Greetings!

Every year I send out a short update to family and friends. It is my simple way to let the people that matter to us know what we’ve been up to. And this year I’m including a slightly modified version of it here for the blog:

Season’s Greetings to All!

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy! Short version again – our household pet population is changed this year with 1 large rescue puppy of unknown breed, 3 cats and some strong fish.

B is 16 and a sophomore in high school. N is 14 and in his last year of middle school. Music is still very much B’s thing. He now plays the French horn for Concert Band and Orchestra, mellophone for Marching Band, trumpet for Jazz Band and piano just because. He’s also still training towards his 4th degree black belt in taekwondo. N still loves soccer and skiing plus he added a new sport of track, with hurdles and triple jump being his favorite events. And he plays the mellophone in Marching Band now too in addition to his French Horn. J and both boys stayed active in Boy Scouts – this year they went to summer camp in Colorado and they are already planning their Philmont trip coming up in late summer of 2020.

Take care,
