Personal: Seasons Greetings 2021

Every year I send out a short update to family and friends. It is my simple way to let the people that matter to us know what our family has been up to. I’m including a slightly modified version of it here for the blog:

Season’s Greetings to All!    

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy. Our household pet population remains mostly steady with 1 dog, 3 cats and slightly fewer strong fish. Our biggest news this year is that we moved into the nearby college town over the summer.

Both teens are adjusting to the new high school. The older teen is a senior and in the process of applying for colleges, has joined several clubs and is busy almost every evening between clubs, new friends, taekwondo and working at the movie theater.

The younger teen joined Choir, Robotics Team and plans to do Track again in the Spring (turns out he can pole vault). Plus, he and the husband go to a KC juggling group about every week.

Both teens were in Marching Band for the Fall and will switch over to Concert Band next quarter.

This is my favorite pic rom the Utah trip! The 4 of us balancing at Balance Rock in Arches National Park.

In March of 2021, we took a pandemic-safe road trip to southeast Utah and visited Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. I love our family road trips and am so thankful we could make one happen in 2021!!! 

Take care,