Personal: Season’s Greetings 2020

Every year I send out a short update to family and friends. It is my simple way to let the people that matter to us know what we’ve been up to. I’m including a slightly modified version of it here for the blog:

Season’s Greetings to All!

I hope 2020 has treated you as well as possible. Our household pet population remains steady this year with 1 large rescue dog of unknown breed, 3 cats and slightly fewer strong fish. (As a side note, 3 indoor cats is too many indoor cats.)

This seemed like a good year to add extra holiday lights. Take that 2020!

B is 17 and a junior in high school. N is 15 and a freshman in high school. B added the trombone to the instruments he plays (French horn, mellophone, trumpet, piano and trombone). N added the trumpet (French horn, mellophone and trumpet). N is taking a Spanish class this year and B continues to learn Mandarin. We’ve made some changes to adjust to the reality of COVID and 2020. For example, both boys started an outdoor social distancing brass band with friends. Instead of the trip to Philmont, DH and the boys planned their own backcountry trek high into the Colorado mountains with a small group in August and they came home with some great memories (a bear in the distance, snowballs above the tree line and amazing views). Plus, virtual taekwondo, modified soccer, outdoor high school Marching Band, movies in our backyard, family movie nights, game nights and hikes.

We’ve done our best to make it a good year despite all the changes. I hope the same for you. Please be kind to yourself and others. And please stay healthy and safe.

Take care,
