Designing: Pattern Release Checklist

As a professional knitwear designer, this is an important time to give back to the crafting and knitting community. Every designer has a different set of steps to take during the process. I’m sharing mine here.


I use the checklist to take each finished pattern out into the world. This downloadable list is 15 steps long (my actual workflow changes and grows each time I think of a new important bit to add or find a piece that no longer serves my purposes). It is easy to get flustered with each release and forget important steps or decide to skip steps that feel too hard. Having a concrete list like this to print and check off as I accomplish each piece really helps me focus and do the work. The process is definitely exciting and scary, but you can do it too!

If you’re not quite to the release stage yet, you might take a look at my Designing a Knitwear Pattern or Running a Test Knit checklists instead. If you’d like to dive deeper or need some support and accountability for your design work, coach and mentor Tian Connaughton offers exactly that type of guidance in her Pattern Partnership program.

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