Random: Seasons Greetings!

Every year I send out a short update to family and friends. It is my simple way to let the people that matter to us know what we’ve been up to. And this year I’m including a slightly modified version of it here for the blog:

Seasons Greetings to All!

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy! Short version again this year – our household pet population is holding steady with 1 elderly dog, 3 cats, 1 gecko, some strong fish.

B is 15 and started high school. N is 13 and started middle school. B earned his third-degree black belt in taekwondo and he still plays the French horn in band plus he also plays the mellophone with his high school marching band.  Music is very much B’s thing. N still loves soccer and found a great team. He also ran Cross Country (I talked him into and he’s definite that he will not be doing that again next year) and he plays the French horn. N found out that he loves skiing. J and both boys stayed active in Boy Scouts – this year they went to summer camp in South Dakota where B and J canoed 53 miles down the Missouri River and N walked up and down Cardiac Hill and Hernia Hill many, many times. They also kept busy with making apple pies as a fund raiser, working on the Hiking Merit Badge (which turns out not to be easy at all) and other normal camps. J still loves his job.  I’m still designing knitwear and I’m so grateful to be building a career doing what I love.

Take care!