Hiking: Training update for hiking the Grand Canyon


I’ll tell you the truth. Most of September was so very, very busy that I thought I was going to have to report that we completely fell off the training hike schedule. Happily we managed to get back out on the trail!

I wrote “hill training” on every Friday afternoon after school and work. We ignored several of those early on. I wrote “hike” on every Sunday. We ignored many of those in September also. Instead we went to a family wedding (it was beautiful) and took two car loads full of kids to the Renaissance Festival (it was a blast) and worked at college football games to raise funds for Scouts (oddly kind of fun too) and had a get together with family friends….you get the idea. We were busy. But at some point we took a look at the number of calendar days left before our hike and realized we could not yet get ourselves out of the Grand Canyon. At that point we had a choice – hike more or cancel the trip.

So we hiked more! We can now almost double the number of times we are comfortable hiking up and down that monster hill. And we’ve managed enough longer family hikes that 10 miles with extra weight in our packs is now pretty easy.