Travel: Quick Trip to Wyoming

This summer our Boy Scout Troop went to Wyoming for their summer camp. I packed my knitting in the car and made the trip out to Wyoming with another Scout Mom to share some of the fun! We went to Yellowstone, drove over mountain passes, saw snow in July, learned about grizzly bear safety, stayed in a nice cabin (the moms, not the Scouts and Scout Leaders) and drank some really good craft beers (the moms again and not the others obviously). I’m super glad we went to make the memories with the boys and to offer some moral support since the borrowed bus had multiple breakdowns on the road. Our golden retriever, Kaylee, came along and she ended up being the unofficial Troop mascot for the trip with every single boy (even the older cool ones) petting her or taking charge of her at some point.

One more wonderful thing about this trip – my traveling buddy introduced me to podcasts! I cannot believe I made it all the way to the middle of 2017 without them. My podcast queue is long, long, long now. So far I’ve learned about poisons and artificial gravity and the history of toilet paper and knitting books and shark mating and why to never take off your space helmet and artificial intelligence and running your own business and the list goes on and on. I love it!

4 Replies to “Travel: Quick Trip to Wyoming”

  1. I love podcasts! I’ve been listening to them for a couple of years & my list just keeps growing!

    1. My favorites are Woolful, Sandy Clarkson, Read Aloud Revival& the kids & I like to listen to Wow in the World. What are some that you listen to? And one of these days I’m going to have to have you teach me to knit! Unless you also crochet & can help me with a few things I need to work on with it.

      1. Let’s see. I listen to Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Stuff You Should Know, The Knitmoregirls, Geeky Girls Knit and Being Boss. Sure! I’d love to teach you to knit sometime. Crochet is not my thing so I’m sure you are better at crochet than I am.

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