December 1st.

So, this happened last week.  My husband coined a word in Orcish for me.  *Giggle, snort, blush a little.* He and the boys coined 3 words total by helping to kickstart Journey Quest Season 3 and also the 2nd Edition of the Orcish-English dictionary.  One boy coined a word for logophobia (an abnormal fear of words). The other boy coined a word for dexterity (it’s a rpg thing).  And the husband coined the word for knit.  So here it is in all its orcified glory:

knit (v.) = tamra (TAHM-rah)

In other news, I have a new camera!  Now I need to figure out how to use the thing.  Here is my first attempt at using all the buttons to blur the background:


Also, bonus points for me since the photo happens to be of a Christmas decoration with a shelf full of Santa’s blurred in the background.  You might even think I planned it that way since today is the first day of December.  But nope.  Just a happy coincidence.